AmigActive 2
AACD 2.iso
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Text File
509 lines
$Id: systemh.inc,v 1.24 1998/08/11 21:39:08 peter Exp $
This file is part of the Free Pascal Run time library.
Copyright (c) 1993,97 by the Free Pascal development team
See the File COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
for details about the copyright.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
This File contains the OS independent declarations of the system unit
Possible defines:
RTLLITE Create a somewhat smaller RTL
Support for multiple compiler versions
{$i version.inc}
Global Types and Constants
Longint = $80000000..$7fffffff;
Integer = -32768..32767;
shortint = -128..127;
byte = 0..255;
Word = 0..65535;
{ at least declare Turbo Pascal real types }
{$ifdef i386}
{$ifndef VER0_99_5}
{$ifndef VER0_99_6}
{$define SUPPORT_COMP}
Double = real;
ValReal = Extended;
ValReal = Double;
{$ifdef m68k}
StrLenInt = Integer;
ValReal = Real;
{$error StrLenInt must be a longint if ansi strings are used}
{$ifdef i386}
StrLenInt = LongInt;
{ some type aliases }
dword = cardinal;
longword = cardinal;
{ Zero - terminated strings }
PChar = ^Char;
PPChar = ^PChar;
{ procedure type }
TProcedure = Procedure;
{ max. values for longint and int}
maxLongint = $7fffffff;
maxint = 32767;
{ Compatibility With TP }
{$ifdef i386}
Test8086 : byte = 2; { Always i386 or newer }
Test8087 : byte = 3; { Always 387 or newer. Emulated if needed. }
{$endif i386}
{$ifdef m68k}
Test68000 : byte = 0; { Must be determined at startup for both }
Test68881 : byte = 0;
{ max level in dumping on error }
Max_Frame_Dump : Word = 8;
{ Exit Procedure handling consts and types }
ExitProc : pointer=nil;
Erroraddr: pointer = nil;
Errorcode: Word = 0;
{ file input modes }
fmClosed = $D7B0;
fmInput = $D7B1;
fmOutput = $D7B2;
fmInOut = $D7B3;
fmAppend = $D7B4;
Filemode : byte = 2;
Type TErrorProc = Procedure (ErrNo : Longint; Address : Pointer);
{ Standard In- and Output }
StdErr : Text;
InOutRes : Word;
RandSeed : Longint;
ErrorProc : Pointer = nil;
Processor specific routines
Procedure Move(Var source,dest;count:Longint);
Procedure FillChar(Var x;count:Longint;Value:Char);
Procedure FillChar(Var x;count:Longint;Value:byte);
{$ifndef RTLLITE}
Procedure FillWord(Var x;count:Longint;Value:Word);
{$endif RTLLITE}
Math Routines
{$ifndef RTLLITE}
Function lo(w:Word):byte;
Function lo(l:Longint):Word;
Function lo(i:Integer):byte;
Function lo(B: Byte):Byte;
Function hi(w:Word):byte;
Function hi(i:Integer):byte;
Function hi(l:Longint):Word;
Function Hi(B : Byte): byte;
Function Swap (X:Word):Word;
Function Swap (X:Integer):Integer;
Function Swap (X:Cardinal):Cardinal;
Function Swap (X:Longint):Longint;
{$ifdef VER0_99_5}
Procedure Inc(Var i:cardinal);
Procedure Inc(Var i:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:Integer);
Procedure Inc(Var i:Word);
Procedure Inc(Var i:shortint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:byte);
Procedure Inc(Var c:Char);
Procedure Inc(Var p:PChar);
Procedure Dec(Var i:cardinal);
Procedure Dec(Var i:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var i:Integer);
Procedure Dec(Var i:Word);
Procedure Dec(Var i:shortint);
Procedure Dec(Var i:byte);
Procedure Dec(Var c:Char);
Procedure Dec(Var p:PChar);
Procedure Dec(Var i:cardinal;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:cardinal;a:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var i:Longint;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:Longint;a:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var i:Word;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:Word;a:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var i:Integer;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:Integer;a:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var i:byte;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:byte;a:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var i:shortint;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var i:shortint;a:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var c:Char;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var c:Char;a:Longint);
Procedure Dec(Var p:PChar;a:Longint);
Procedure Inc(Var p:PChar;a:Longint);
{$endif VER0_99_5}
{$endif RTLLITE}
Function Chr(b:byte):Char;
Function Length(s:string):byte;
Function Random(l:Longint):Longint;
Function Random:real;
Procedure Randomize;
Function abs(l:Longint):Longint;
Function sqr(l:Longint):Longint;
Function odd(l:Longint):Boolean;
{ float mathe routines }
{$I mathh.inc}
Memory management
Procedure getmem(Var p:pointer;Size:Longint);
Procedure freemem(Var p:pointer;Size:Longint);
Function memavail:Longint;
Function maxavail:Longint;
{$ifndef RTLLITE}
Function ptr(sel,off:Longint):pointer;
Function Addr (Var X):pointer;
Function Cseg:Word;
Function Dseg:Word;
Function Sseg:Word;
{$endif RTLLITE}
PChar Handling
function strpas(p:pchar):string;
function strlen(p:pchar):longint;
Function Copy(const s:string;index:StrLenInt;count:StrLenInt):string;
Procedure Delete(Var s:string;index:StrLenInt;count:StrLenInt);
Procedure Insert(const source:string;Var s:string;index:StrLenInt);
Function Pos(const substr:string;const s:string):byte;
Function Pos(C:Char;const s:string):byte;
Function upCase(c:Char):Char;
Function upCase(const s:string):string;
{$ifndef RTLLITE}
Function lowerCase(c:Char):Char;
Function lowerCase(const s:string):string;
Function hexStr(Val:Longint;cnt:byte):string;
Function binStr(Val:Longint;cnt:byte):string;
{$endif RTLLITE}
Function Space(b:byte):string;
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var l:Longint;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var l:Longint;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var l:Longint);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:byte;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:byte;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:byte);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:shortint;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:shortint;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:shortint);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:Word;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:Word;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:Integer;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:Integer;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var b:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var v:cardinal;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var v:cardinal;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var v:cardinal);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:ValReal;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:ValReal;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:ValReal);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:single;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:single;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:single);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:comp;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:comp;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:comp);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:Real;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:Real;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:Real);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:Extended;Var code:Word);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:Extended;Var code:Integer);
Procedure Val(const s:string;Var d:Extended);
AnsiString Handling
{$ifdef UseAnsiStrings }
Procedure SetLength (Var S : AnsiString; l : Longint);
Procedure UniqueAnsiString (Var S : AnsiString);
Function Length (Var S : AnsiString) : Longint;
Function Copy (Var S : AnsiString; Index,Size : Longint) : AnsiString;
Function Pos (Var Substr : AnsiString; Var Source : AnsiString) : Longint;
Procedure Insert (Var Source : AnsiString; Var S : AnsiString; Index : Longint);
Procedure Delete (Var S : AnsiString; Index,Size: Longint);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var R : real; Var Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Const S : AnsiString; var D : Double; Var Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var E : Extended; Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var C : Cardinal; Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var L : Longint; Var Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var W : Word; Var Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var I : Integer; Var Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var B : Byte; Var Code : Integer);
Procedure Val (Var S : AnsiString; var SI : ShortInt; Var Code : Integer);
Procedure Str (Const R : Real;Len, fr : longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const D : Double;Len,fr : longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const E : Extended;Len,fr : longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const C : Cardinal;len : Longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const L : LongInt;len : longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const W : Word;len : longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const I : Integer;len : Longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const B : Byte; Len : longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Procedure Str (Const SI : ShortInt; Len : longint; Var S : AnsiString);
Untyped File Management
Procedure Assign(Var f:File;const Name:string);
Procedure Assign(Var f:File;p:pchar);
Procedure Assign(Var f:File;c:char);
Procedure Rewrite(Var f:File;l:Word);
Procedure Rewrite(Var f:File);
Procedure Reset(Var f:File;l:Word);
Procedure Reset(Var f:File);
Procedure Close(Var f:File);
Procedure BlockWrite(Var f:File;Var Buf;Count:Longint;Var Result:Longint);
Procedure BlockWrite(Var f:File;Var Buf;Count:Word;Var Result:Word);
Procedure BlockWrite(Var f:File;Var Buf;Count:Word;Var Result:Integer);
Procedure BlockWrite(Var f:File;Var Buf;Count:Longint);
Procedure BlockRead(Var f:File;Var Buf;count:Longint;Var Result:Longint);
Procedure BlockRead(Var f:File;Var Buf;count:Word;Var Result:Word);
Procedure BlockRead(Var f:File;Var Buf;count:Word;Var Result:Integer);
Procedure BlockRead(Var f:File;Var Buf;count:Longint);
Function FilePos(Var f:File):Longint;
Function FileSize(Var f:File):Longint;
Procedure Seek(Var f:File;Pos:Longint);
Function EOF(Var f:File):Boolean;
Procedure Erase(Var f:File);
Procedure Rename(Var f:File;const s:string);
Procedure Rename(Var f:File;p:pchar);
Procedure Rename(Var f:File;c:char);
Procedure Truncate (Var F:File);
Typed File Management
Procedure Assign(Var f:TypedFile;const Name:string);
Procedure Assign(Var f:TypedFile;p:pchar);
Procedure Assign(Var f:TypedFile;c:char);
Procedure Rewrite(Var f:TypedFile);
Procedure Reset(Var f:TypedFile);
Text File Management
Procedure Assign(Var t:Text;const s:string);
Procedure Assign(Var t:Text;p:pchar);
Procedure Assign(Var t:Text;c:char);
Procedure Close(Var t:Text);
Procedure Rewrite(Var t:Text);
Procedure Reset(Var t:Text);
Procedure Append(Var t:Text);
Procedure Flush(Var t:Text);
Procedure Erase(Var t:Text);
Procedure Rename(Var t:Text;const s:string);
Procedure Rename(Var t:Text;p:pchar);
Procedure Rename(Var t:Text;c:char);
Function EOF(Var t:Text):Boolean;
Function EOF:Boolean;
Function EOLn(Var t:Text):Boolean;
Function EOLn:Boolean;
Function SeekEOLn (Var F:Text):Boolean;
Function SeekEOF (Var F:Text):Boolean;
Function SeekEOLn:Boolean;
Function SeekEOF:Boolean;
Procedure SetTextBuf(Var f:Text; Var Buf);
Procedure SetTextBuf(Var f:Text; Var Buf; Size:Word);
Directory Management
Procedure chdir(const s:string);
Procedure mkdir(const s:string);
Procedure rmdir(const s:string);
Procedure getdir(drivenr:byte;Var dir:string);
Function IOResult:Word;
Function Sptr:Longint;
Init / Exit / ExitProc
Function Paramcount:Longint;
Function ParamStr(l:Longint):string;
{$ifndef RTLLITE}
Procedure Dump_Stack(bp:Longint);
{$endif RTLLITE}
Procedure RunError(w:Word);
Procedure RunError;
Procedure halt(errnum:byte);
{$ifndef RTLLITE}
Procedure AddExitProc(Proc:TProcedure);
{$endif RTLLITE}
Procedure halt;
{$i setjumph.inc}
$Log: systemh.inc,v $
Revision 1.24 1998/08/11 21:39:08 peter
* splitted default_extended from support_extended
Revision 1.23 1998/08/11 00:05:27 peter
* $ifdef ver0_99_5 updates
Revision 1.22 1998/08/08 12:28:14 florian
* a lot small fixes to the extended data type work
Revision 1.21 1998/07/30 13:26:17 michael
+ Added support for ErrorProc variable. All internal functions are required
to call HandleError instead of runerror from now on.
This is necessary for exception support.
Revision 1.20 1998/07/28 20:37:47 michael
+ added setjmp/longjmp and exception support
Revision 1.19 1998/07/20 23:36:57 michael
changes for ansistrings
Revision 1.18 1998/07/18 17:14:24 florian
* strlenint type implemented
Revision 1.17 1998/07/10 11:02:39 peter
* support_fixed, becuase fixed is not 100% yet for the m68k
Revision 1.16 1998/07/02 12:13:18 carl
* No SINGLE type for m68k or other non-intel processors!
Revision 1.15 1998/07/01 14:43:46 carl
- max_frame_dump reduced to 8, 20 is too much!
Revision 1.14 1998/06/25 14:04:26 peter
+ internal inc/dec
Revision 1.13 1998/06/25 09:44:21 daniel
+ RTLLITE directive to compile minimal RTL.
Revision 1.12 1998/06/15 15:16:27 daniel
* RTLLITE conditional added to produce smaller RTL
Revision 1.11 1998/06/08 12:38:23 michael
Implemented rtti, inserted ansistrings again
Revision 1.10 1998/06/04 23:46:02 peter
* comp,extended are only i386 added support_comp,support_extended
Revision 1.9 1998/06/04 08:26:03 pierre
* boolean internal definition again (needed to compile
older RTL's)
Revision 1.8 1998/06/03 23:39:53 peter
+ boolean=bytebool
Revision 1.7 1998/05/22 12:34:11 peter
* fixed the optimizes of daniel
Revision 1.6 1998/05/21 19:31:00 peter
* objects compiles for linux
+ assign(pchar), assign(char), rename(pchar), rename(char)
* fixed read_text_as_array
+ read_text_as_pchar which was not yet in the rtl
Revision 1.5 1998/05/12 10:42:45 peter
* moved getopts to inc/, all supported OS's need argc,argv exported
+ strpas, strlen are now exported in the systemunit
* removed logs
* removed $ifdef ver_above
Revision 1.4 1998/04/16 12:30:47 peter
+ inc(pchar), dec(pchar), incc(pchar,a),dec(pchar,a)